We are made up of Class 2 and Class 3.
Please use the link above to see the relevant information that we shared at our 'Welcome to' meeting.
Important Information:
Year 1 come in to school through the door by the swimming pool at 8.45am and leave at 3.15pm via the same door.
Our swimming session for Year 1 is on a Monday, both classes swim every week.
Please remember to send your child with their swimming kits and remove their earrings before school.
The children will wear their school uniform on swimming days.
PE is on Friday, please wear your PE kit all day and remove earrings before school.
If you have any questions or queries:
Please send messages via the Arbor app messaging service or speak to a member of staff on the door at the beginning or end of the school day.
Class 2 and 3's drop in session is on Monday from 3:30-4pm.
Our Curriculum - Year 1 Long Term Overview:
Please remember to read at least three times a week and record this in the red home-school links book.
Our 'Little Wandle' reading book will come home on Monday and should be returned to school on Thursday. We will also allocate the same E-book on Collins for you to access over the weekend.
We will visit our school library to change our library books on Thursdays.
These are our Year 1 Non-Negotiables. We use them to help us with our writing:
Spellings will be linked to our 'Little Wandle' Phonics and they will be added to your Spelling Shed account each week.
This Week's Spellings:
In Year 1, we expect you to:
Read at least 3 times a week.
Practise your spellings on Spelling Shed.
Practise your number bonds on Hit the Button.
Year 1 will complete The Phonics Screening Check in the Summer term. It is an assessment to check a child’s ability to read words using phonics rules.
Thank you to those who attended our Phonic Screening Check information sessions. Please click the links below to access the information that we shared during the session:
Little Wandle Website: Parent Page