CFLP Leaders
Meeting Date 23/11/2023
During today's Leadership Forum the leaders from across the Children First Learning Partnership took part in many 'getting to know you' activities. We enjoyed spending time with our different families of schools.
Throughout the morning the leaders delivered a presentation around their individual schools. Our CFLP leaders spoke confidently and with passion around the topic 'What Makes Our School Special to Us'. The Knypersley First School leaders chose to talk about the history and organisation of our school and how 'we are just one big family'. We also shared pictures of our amazing facilities including the school swimming pool!
The leaders were awarded their very own Children First Learning Partnership lanyard during the forum!
and an extra special treat too....
A HUGE thank you to the Children First Learning Partnership for a fantastic morning.
House captains are our team and school leaders, and play an important role in school life. Our House Teams are:
- Earth
- Fire
- Water
- Air
The children are selected through an application to be shortlisted and then are voted in by the children in their house point team. They are a role models for our school and help to lead the celebration assemblies.
School Council
Our School Councillors oversee many events throughout the year such as:
- Douglass Macmillan
- Coffee Morning
- Race for Life
- Remembrance
- Serving at school events e.g. Grandparent’s Singalong
The School Council meet frequently with Mrs Jervis in order to:
- Make decisions on school life
- Give opinions on changes
A Huge thank you and well done to the School Council who organised our annual MacMillan Coffee Event and so far have raised a huge £447!!
Green Ambassadors are role models for looking after our environment. They are selected by a pupil vote once per term.
We meet frequently with Mr Evans and Mrs Taylor to evaluate tasks that we oversee. Please see below for some examples of our roles in school:
- Ensure computers in the suite are shut down before dinner time
- Liaise with the local town council and Biddulph in Bloom on green events
- Turn lights off and close door if rooms are not in use
- Help to promote uniform recycling events
- Termly litter pick to ensure school grounds are tidy
- Meet Mr Finch about paper towels and water/electricity usage
- Help to lead certain assemblies throughout the year
- Lead our uniform recycling centre in school
Knypersley Knights
Our Knypersley Knights are there to make children feel safe and heard. They are peer mediator trained and trained to recognise signs of bullying using BOO. They will also be a role model for positive mental health and well being. They are selected by a pupil vote and changed termly.
We meet regularly along with Mrs Jervis to discuss job roles and to reflect as they move through the term.
Please see the below list of a Knypersley Knight's job role:
- Promote antibullying by raising awareness of BOO (Bullying is Often and Over and over)
- Mediate discussions between children in the time to talk areas around our school
- Be a good friend and a role model for friendship
- Be aware of the emotion board and newly implemented toolkits in the classroom and support children in their classmates when needed.
- Talk to adults to help their friends
- Help to lead certain assemblies throughout the year
Lunchtime Legends
Our Lunchtime Legends are a group of leadership teams who oversee health and wellbeing during lunchtime sessions. The Lunchtime Legends meet frequently with Miss Naughten (Mini Medics), Miss Cooper (Playground Leaders and Mrs Porter/ Mrs Johnson (Helping Hands).