We will ask you to complete some regular tasks:
Set Menu
1. Spellings linked to the end of year common exception word list and spelling patterns being taught in school (Y1-4)
2.Daily reading- just a couple of pages followed by a discussion about what has been read.
3.Daily Timetables – chanting in the car, walking home, quick and fun! (Y2-4 only)
Then please encourage your child to complete as many of the activities from the year group menu as they like at home, but NO LESS than 3 over the half term. This can be recorded (if appropriate) in our homework books.
If you have any questions or would like to email homework into school, you can do so at the following email address:
We will ask for homework books in during the last week of each half term in order for us to share and celebrate this learning. A new menu will be available at the start of each holiday. Homework can be done as and when you get time and offers some choice to your child too!
Welcome to your Home Learning Page!
Our staff will be updating this page on a daily basis. If you have any questions or want to send work to us please use the email address homeworknurs@knypersley.staffs.sch.uk
What will the expectations be on teachers?
- To provide home learning each day
- To respond to learning and give feedback via the class email address above
- To respond to questions about the learning from parents, carers and the pupils themselves
- To email directly any parents, who we have not had contact with
- To celebrate great online learning
What expectations do we have on yourselves as parents and carers?
- To communicate with school, sharing the home learning with the teacher via the class email address daily
- To ensure your children have time each day to do their learning
Our top priority is to ensure that our children are safe and that their education continues so if we do not have contact with you, the follows steps will be taken:
- Your child’s teacher will email you using the email you have provided to school
- If we do not receive a response then your child’s teacher will text you, sharing the class email address with you so you can remain in contact with school
- If your child’s teacher does not receive an email after they have text you, they will call you in order to offer support with the learning at home
If your child’s teacher is not able to speak with you, then this will be referred to Mrs Goodyear. It is important that we know you are safe and that you are able to support your child with their learning and that you are safe and well.
All children have access to a number of websites to support learning at home
Oxfordowl.co.uk - passwords in planner or please contact teacher
Espresso.co.uk - Username: student28035 Password: school
Phonicsplay.co.uk - Username: KNYPERSLEY Password: FIRST
teachyourmonstertoread.com - passwords in planner or please contact teacher
https://www.tentown.co.uk - Child's own login
BBC bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
Virtual Lessons - Oak Academy - https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/reception/
Educational games can also be accessed on sites such as:
- Cbeebies
- Phonicsbloom.com
- bbcbitesize
- ICTgames
- Squiglet drawing
Home Learning Challenges
Corona Virus Story Explained to Children:
Corona Virus Story For Children.
Axel Scheffler - Coronavirus Story
Below is a story called "Why we can't hug". This might help your child to understand the meaning and positives to social distancing.
Summer 2 - Topic: "I do like to be beside the seaside".
Please find below topic related powerpoints to look at and explore:
Under the sea Interactive Powerpoint
What am I - Under the sea interactive Powerpoint
Seaside Creatures Photo Powerpoint
Week 4: 22.06.2020
Week 5: 29.06.20
Under The Sea Home learning Challenges
Extra Activities for you to do at home:
home learning - Literacy Powerpoint and Other Learning Opportunities
home learning - Maths Powerpoint
Please continue to do as much "funky fingers" as you can. These activities are all about strengthening the childrens fingers and hands. Lots of doh disco (you tube have lots of great videos to music), play-doh modelling, lego building, threading, jigsaws, messy play with jelly, sand, rice etc.
Useful Resources to help you with Literacy and Phonics (Phase 2 letters and sounds):
Useful Resources to help you with Maths:
Ten Town Number Formation Rhymes
Thank you for all of your support at school and at home.
Take care, Love Mrs Jervis, Mrs Court and Mrs Hutchinson xx
Welcome to your Home Learning Page!
Our staff will be updating this page on a daily basis. If you have any questions or want to send work to us please use the email address homeworkbb@knypersley.staffs.sch.uk or homeworkcc@knypersley.staffs.sch.uk
What will the expectations be on teachers?
- To provide home learning each day
- To respond to learning and give feedback via the class email address above
- To respond to questions about the learning from parents, carers and the pupils themselves
- To email directly any parents, who we have not had contact with
- To celebrate great online learning
What expectations do we have on yourselves as parents and carers?
- To communicate with school, sharing the home learning with the teacher via the class email address daily
- To ensure your children have time each day to do their learning
Our top priority is to ensure that our children are safe and that their education continues so if we do not have contact with you, the follows steps will be taken:
- Your child’s teacher will email you using the email you have provided to school
- If we do not receive a response then your child’s teacher will text you, sharing the class email address with you so you can remain in contact with school
- If your child’s teacher does not receive an email after they have text you, they will call you in order to offer support with the learning at home
If your child’s teacher is not able to speak with you, then this will be referred to Mrs Goodyear. It is important that we know you are safe and that you are able to support your child with their learning and that you are safe and well.
All children have access to a number of websites to support learning at home
Educationcity.com - passwords in planner or please contact class teacher
Oxfordowl.co.uk - Nursery Rec and Years 1 and 2 only- password in planner or please contact teacher
Espresso.co.uk - Username: student28035 Password: school
Phonicsplay.co.uk - Username: KNYPERSLEY Password: FIRST
teachyourmonstertoread.com - passwords in planners or please contact class teacher
Educational games can also be accessed on sites such as:
- cbeebies
- phonicsbloom.com
- bbcbitesize
- ICTgames
Home Learning Packs:
We will upload daily learning challenges on to this section of our school website. This will be followed by an email/ text to indicate which challenge we would like your child to access. Thank you for all of your support, Miss L and Mrs B :
Week Beginning 29th June 2020
YEAR 1 - Transition Home Learning
Week Beginning 6th July
We have also put together a few extra activities for maths and literacy that you could pick from if you would like to. These activity suggestions are just that, suggestions and are not compulsory. They are here for if you would like to use them, no worksheets needed just a pen, paper and a few household resources 🙂
Ten Town Number Formation Rhymes
White Rose
As part of mathematics we follow the 'White Rose' math scheme. White Rose have produced a section of work that links to a story for each day! We may soon begin to follow the daily challenges from White Rose, as for now, please feel free to have a look and if you would like to carry out some of the fun planned challenges.
Please follow this link for White Rose: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/early-years/
You could also grab a pot of dough or a big roll of paper and join in with daily dough disco and squiggle!
Take care,
Miss L, Mrs F, Mrs B and Mrs S xxxx
Welcome to your Home Learning Page!
Our staff will be updating this page on a daily basis. If you have any questions or want to send work to us please use the email address homework2@knypersley.staffs.sch.uk or homework3@knypersley.staffs.sch.uk
What will the expectations be on teachers?
- To provide home learning each day
- To respond to learning and give feedback via the class email address above
- To respond to questions about the learning from parents, carers and the pupils themselves
- To email directly any parents, who we have not had contact with
- To celebrate great online learning
What expectations do we have on yourselves as parents and carers?
- To communicate with school, sharing the home learning with the teacher via the class email address daily
- To ensure your children have time each day to do their learning
Our top priority is to ensure that our children are safe and that their education continues so if we do not have contact with you, the follows steps will be taken:
- Your child’s teacher will email you using the email you have provided to school
- If we do not receive a response then your child’s teacher will text you, sharing the class email address with you so you can remain in contact with school
- If your child’s teacher does not receive an email after they have text you, they will call you in order to offer support with the learning at home
If your child’s teacher is not able to speak with you, then this will be referred to Mrs Goodyear. It is important that we know you are safe and that you are able to support your child with their learning and that you are safe and well.
All children have access to a number of websites to support learning at home
Educationcity.com - passwords in planner or please contact class teacher
Spellingshed.com - passwords in planner or please contact class teacher
Oxfordowl.co.uk - passwords in planner or please contact teacher
Espresso.co.uk - Username: student28035 Password: school
Phonicsplay.co.uk - Username: KNYPERSLEY Password: FIRST
Educational games can also be accessed on sites such as:
- teachyourmonstertoread.com
- cbeebies
- phonicsbloom.com
- bbcbitesize
- ICTgames
Summer Term 2
Transition to Year 2 Activity Menu (Weeks 5-6)
Transition Home Learning Year 2
Week 5
Monday 29th June Y1 - Mon 29th June
Tuesday 30th June Y1 - Tue 30th June
Wednesday 1st June Y1 - Wed 1st July
Thursday 2nd July Y1 - Thurs 2nd July
Friday 3rd July Y1 - Fri 3rd July
Week 6
Monday 6th July Y1 - Monday 6th July
Tuesday 7th July Y1 - Tue 7th July
Wednesday 8th July Y1 - Wed 8th July
Thursday 9th July Y1 - Thurs 9th July
Friday 10th July Y1 - Fri 10th July
Welcome to your Home Learning Page!
Our staff will be updating this page on a daily basis. If you have any questions or want to send work to us please use the email address homework4@knypersley.staffs.sch.uk or homework5@knypersley.staffs.sch.uk
What will the expectations be on teachers?
- To provide home learning each day
- To respond to learning and give feedback via the class email address above
- To respond to questions about the learning from parents, carers and the pupils themselves
- To email directly any parents, who we have not had contact with
- To celebrate great online learning
What expectations do we have on yourselves as parents and carers?
- To communicate with school, sharing the home learning with the teacher via the class email address daily
- To ensure your children have time each day to do their learning
Our top priority is to ensure that our children are safe and that their education continues so if we do not have contact with you, the follows steps will be taken:
- Your child’s teacher will email you using the email you have provided to school
- If we do not receive a response then your child’s teacher will text you, sharing the class email address with you so you can remain in contact with school
- If your child’s teacher does not receive an email after they have text you, they will call you in order to offer support with the learning at home
If your child’s teacher is not able to speak with you, then this will be referred to Mrs Goodyear. It is important that we know you are safe and that you are able to support your child with their learning and that you are safe and well.
All children have access to a number of websites to support learning at home
Educationcity.com - passwords in planner or please contact class teacher
Spellingshed.com - passwords in planner or please contact class teacher
TTrockstars.com - passwords in planner or please contact teacher
Oxfordowl.co.uk - passwords in planner or please contact teacher
Espresso.co.uk - Username: student28035 Password: school
Phonicsplay.co.uk - Username: KNYPERSLEY Password: FIRST
Educational games can also be accessed on sites such as:
- teachyourmonstertoread.com
- cbeebies
- phonicsbloom.com
- bbcbitesize
- ICTgames
Child Friendly Explanation of Coronavirus.pdf
Summer Term Two
Week Six
Mr Evans and Miss Harris-Transition Home Learning ready for Year 3
Mr Evans and Miss Harris-Transition Home Learning ready for Year 3 (editable)
Week Five
Mr Evans and Miss Harris-Transition Home Learning ready for Year 3
Mr Evans and Miss Harris-Transition Home Learning ready for Year 3 (editable)
Year 2 Monday 29.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Tuesday- 30.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Wednesday- 01.07.20 (editable)
Year 2 Thursday 02.07.20 (editable)
Year 2 Friday-03.07.20 (editable)
Types of Sentences Presentation
Week Four
Year 2 Topic Plan-Weeks 3 and 4
Year 2 Topic Plan-Weeks 3 and 4 (editable)
Year 2 Topic- Hedgehogs-powerpoint
Year 2 Topic-Hibernating Animals powerpoint
Year 2 Monday Don't Hog the Hedge-powerpoint
Don't Hog the Hedge Alliteration PowerPoint
Year 2 Monday 22.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Tuesday- 23.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Wednesday 24.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Thursday 25.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Friday-26.06.20 (editable)
Week Three
Year 2 Topic Plan-Weeks 3 and 4
Year 2 Topic Plan-Weeks 3 and 4 (editable)
Year 2 Topic- Hedgehogs-powerpoint
Year 2 Topic-Hibernating Animals powerpoint
Year 2 Monday-15.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Monday 15.06.20 Dont Hog the Hedge-powerpoint
Year 2 Tuesday- 16.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Tuesday (onwards)-Reading bingo challenge
Year 2 Tuesday 16.06.20-Sentence Types powerpoint
Year 2 Wednesday-17.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Thursday-18.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Friday-19.06.20 (editable)
Week Two
Year 2 Monday 08.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Monday 08.06.20 Compare Mass PPT
Follow the link below to find the e-book version of The Bear Who Came to Babysit:
The Bear Who Came to Babysit ppt
The Bear Who Came to Babysit Story Sequencing Cards
Year 2 Tuesday 09.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Wednesday 10.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Wednesday 10.06.20 Measure Mass-kg PPT
Year 2 Thursday 11.06.20 (editable)
The Bear Who Came to Babysit Newspaper Report Writing ppt
Year 2 Thursday 11.06.20 Temperature PPT
Year 2 Friday 12.06.20 (editable)
Week One
Year 2 Monday 01.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Tuesday 02.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Wednesday 03.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Thursday 04.06.20 (editable)
Year 2 Friday 05.06.20 (editable)
Welcome to your Home Learning Page!
Our staff will be updating this page on a daily basis. If you have any questions or want to send work to us please use the email address homework6@knypersley.staffs.sch.uk or homework7@knypersley.staffs.sch.uk
What will the expectations be on teachers?
- To provide home learning each day
- To respond to learning and give feedback via the class email address above
- To respond to questions about the learning from parents, carers and the pupils themselves
- To email directly any parents, who we have not had contact with
- To celebrate great online learning
What expectations do we have on yourselves as parents and carers?
- To communicate with school, sharing the home learning with the teacher via the class email address daily
- To ensure your children have time each day to do their learning
Our top priority is to ensure that our children are safe and that their education continues so if we do not have contact with you, the follows steps will be taken:
- Your child’s teacher will email you using the email you have provided to school
- If we do not receive a response then your child’s teacher will text you, sharing the class email address with you so you can remain in contact with school
- If your child’s teacher does not receive an email after they have text you, they will call you in order to offer support with the learning at home
If your child’s teacher is not able to speak with you, then this will be referred to Mrs Goodyear. It is important that we know you are safe and that you are able to support your child with their learning and that you are safe and well.
All children have access to a number of websites to support learning at home
Educationcity.com - passwords in planner or please contact class teacher
Spellingshed.com - passwords in planner or please contact class teacher
TTrockstars.com - passwords in planner or please contact teacher
Oxfordowl.co.uk - passwords in planner or please contact teacher
Espresso.co.uk - Username: student28035 Password: school
Phonicsplay.co.uk - Username: KNYPERSLEY Password: FIRST
Educational games can also be accessed on sites such as:
- teachyourmonstertoread.com
- cbeebies
- phonicsbloom.com
- bbcbitesize
- ICTgames
Welcome to Year 4 Transition Work
Welcome to Year 4 Transition Menu (pdf)
Welcome to Year 4 Transition Menu (word)
Summer 2 - Week 5
Welcome to your Home Learning Page!
Our staff will be updating this page on a daily basis. If you have any questions or want to send work to us please use the email address homework8@knypersley.staffs.sch.uk or homework9@knypersley.staffs.sch.uk
What will the expectations be on teachers?
- To provide home learning each day
- To respond to learning and give feedback via the class email address above
- To respond to questions about the learning from parents, carers and the pupils themselves
- To email directly any parents, who we have not had contact with
- To celebrate great online learning
What expectations do we have on yourselves as parents and carers?
- To communicate with school, sharing the home learning with the teacher via the class email address daily
- To ensure your children have time each day to do their learning
Our top priority is to ensure that our children are safe and that their education continues so if we do not have contact with you, the follows steps will be taken:
- Your child’s teacher will email you using the email you have provided to school
- If we do not receive a response then your child’s teacher will text you, sharing the class email address with you so you can remain in contact with school
- If your child’s teacher does not receive an email after they have text you, they will call you in order to offer support with the learning at home
If your child’s teacher is not able to speak with you, then this will be referred to Mrs Goodyear. It is important that we know you are safe and that you are able to support your child with their learning and that you are safe and well.
All children have access to a number of websites to support learning at home
Educationcity.com - passwords in planner or please contact class teacher
Spellingshed.com - passwords in planner or please contact class teacher
TTrockstars.com - passwords in planner or please contact teacher
Oxfordowl.co.uk - passwords in planner or please contact teacher
Espresso.co.uk - Username: student28035 Password: school
Phonicsplay.co.uk - Username: KNYPERSLEY Password: FIRST
Educational games can also be accessed on sites such as:
- teachyourmonstertoread.com
- cbeebies
- phonicsbloom.com
- bbcbitesize
- ICTgames
Suggested daily timetable to support routine and learning at home.
Child Friendly Explanation of Coronavirus
Topic Activities. Week beginning 29/06/2020 and 06/07/2020
Y4 - Y5 Transition menu (PDF Version)
Monday 29th June
Tuesday 30th June
Wednesday 1st July
Thursday 2nd July
Friday 3rd July
squared paper (for Maths work)