We started our topic this term, with a Victorian Tea Party! We celebrated by learning about the tradition of afternoon tea, eating Victoria sponge cake and drinking delicious hot chocolate! Queen Victoria even came to visit us (although she was a little bit miserable) but her servants were extremely helpful!
Design and Technology/Art
In Art we have learnt about portraits and how to draw facial features accurately and in proportion. We practised our sketching skills first and then drew Queen Victoria. As our portraits are so fantastic, we have started to design and make a 3D photograph frame! We have made the frame using pasta, and when we have completed them, we will have our very own gallery on display in our classroom!#
In Maths we have been focusing on place value. We started by rounding numbers to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000. We have used a range of physical resources to help us to understand the value of each digit in a 4 digit number. This helped us to find 100 and 1000 more/less than any number. To deepen our knowledge and apply our learning, we have used reasoning and problem solving questions.
- Using the place value counters to partition a number.
- Knowing the value of each digit in a 4 digit number
- Whole class reasoning and problem solving.
In English we have loved reading our text, The Secret Garden, by Frances Hodgson Burnett. We have learnt about the features of a narrative, and will now begin to write our very own story! The children really enjoyed using a drama technique, called ‘Conscience Alley’, where they had to think about how different characters might have been feeling at different points in the story.
Straight Ahead and Ashes to Ashes
Over the past Term we have learnt lots about the Romans and Volcanoes!
We began by reading ‘Escape to Pompeii’ by Christina Balit; we then wrote newspaper articles about the eruption of Mount Vesuvius!
We held our own Roman experience day! We had lots of fun investing what the Romans would have eaten by dissecting poo! IN Art/DT we designed and created Roman pottery using clay, and we even used our cooking skills to make meatballs!
We then went outside to create roman army formations and pretended to have our own Roman battle!
We held our own Roman experience day! We had lots of fun investing what the Romans would have eaten by dissecting poo! We then went outside to create roman army formations and pretended to have our own Roman battle!
We used our Geography skills to learn about the Roman empire and how it spread across many countries. We developed our map reading skills by using atlases to locate the countries!
We then started to read the ‘Firework Makers Daughter’ by Phillip Pullman! In English we designed our own firework and then wrote a set of extremely detailed instructions about how to make it!
We have learnt all about the structure of the earth and how it is made up of different layers. We can now explain how volcanoes are formed and understand the difference between magma and lava!
In Science, we have linked our Volcanoes topic to ‘Solids, Liquids and Gases.’ We had a whole Science day full of activities which allowed us to recognise particle formation in all three states of matter. We completed a Scientific investigation to find out which fizzy drink contained the most gas!
Standon Bowers!
We had a fabulous time at Standon Bowers! We were given the opportunity to try lots of new and exciting adventurous activities like rock climbing and caving! We worked excellently as teams and encouraged each other to be resilient!